Aesthetic and Creative Expression Portfolio
My Music Portfolio
Influence of my learning experience plans
Howard Gardner defined that music intelligence was equivalent to logical intelligence which comprised of linguistic, bodily - kinesthetic, mathematical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and spatial intelligence (Exiner and Lloyd, 1974). He also thought that every musical experience has its impact on a child’s holistic development (Bartholomew, 2004). Having said that, my personal opinion of implementation of music in my classroom is highly influenced by the words of Howard Garner. As an educator, I believe that in order to nurture young children’s music capabilities, there is a crucial need to provided essential music experience (MOE, 2015). When I planned and implemented the music lesson plan, i worked in accordence to the NEL Framwork. During the activity, observed that the children’s participation and involvement was abundant. The connection of the drama and dance to the theme supported their learning and motivated them to extend their learning.
This is the Gruffalo song that i will play as i gather the children before i start my music activity. It is catchy, it brings them to the mood of music, giving them excitment with the words that it is going to be an activity about the Gruffalo. I played this song in class and the childrens eye's lit up!
Activities for music through singing
These are notation cards that i will be using during the music activity. These cards will help the children connect their learning of the music notes and beat easier for them to visualize and verbalize their leanring. I included a clipart of the Gruffalo in it so that the children can connect their learning. Further more, i will be creating such notation cards for the different themes that the children are learning. Hence, these notation cards will help the children work independantly, especially in learning centres.
Extending the Children's Learning
Make a Gruffalo mask! You can print out a Gruffalo mask, color it, wear it and pretend to be a Gruffalo!
Play an online chorus game where you can click on the animals to join in with the Gruffalo song. Make sure your sound is switched on!
Bartholomew D, 2004, Measuring intelligence, United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press.
Exiner J, Lloyd, P, 1974, Teaching Creative Movement, Boston, Plays, Inc.
M.O.E. Singapore, 2013, Nurturing Early Learners: A Curriculum for Kindergartens in Singapore. Vol. 2, Aesthetics and Creative Expression. Designed by LOUD! Productions Pte Ltd. Republic of Singapore M.O.E. 2013.
2015, worksheet – Gruffalo mask, retrieved 25 December 2015, <
2008 , Gruffalo Chorus Game , Scholastic Book Clubs , retrieved 25 December 2015,<
Gruffalo Song - Uploaded by Me Dreamer accessed 22.12.15