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Why teach creative arts?

Many theorists have stressed on factors such as each child‘s natural need to create such as converting such as imaginative dynamism into representational manifestation. Through this, a child is able to reflect on his own individual world. Thus, it is crucial for educators to provide constructive activities for child‘s self-expression. These activities should not be strictly structured by rules but allow everyone to discover one‘s own way of conception. According to the NEL framework creative arts nurtures the whole child. It is highly commended that children should be provided with many prospects to be involved in Aesthetics and creative expression activities (MOE,2015)


I personally enjoy teaching a range of skills and content by integrating curriculum areas around a topic. It helps me set a linkage between the curriculum elements and capitalizes on children’s interests and understandings. Significant development of skills, attitudes and knowledge are observed when children’s interests and understandings are built on. Most importantly, there is enthusiastic participation in the learning journey (Diana Mumford, 2000).

Why choose theme-based learning?

There's no such thing as a gruffalo?

Since it was the December school holidays, the teachers were encouraged to work on a holiday project on a theme of the children’s choice. My class of 4 year olds were introduced to the story of The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson. It was an instant hit! We chose The Gruffalo as the theme for our learning for the holiday project. A curriculum plan was made to make the delivery of the theme easier. After finding out more on the children’s level of understanding and needs, I created a creative arts portfolio on music, drama and dance.





Diana M 2000, Planning a theme based unit, Canada, Pacific Edge Publishing Ltd.


M.O.E. Singapore, 2013, Nurturing Early Learners: A Curriculum for Kindergartens in Singapore. Vol. 2, Aesthetics and Creative Expression. Designed by LOUD! Productions Pte Ltd. Republic of Singapore M.O.E. 2013.




2009 , Art can change your life, Creativty Arts -Art nouveau poster, retrieved 28th December 2016 ,


Cliparts of Gruffalo obtained from


2010, Gruffalo-cliparts-freedownload, Teacher’s Notebook  , retrieved 2 January 2016,



2012, The Gruffalo - Narrated by Ollie Heath , Uploaded by Ollie Heath on Oct 3, 2012 ,

<> Accessed 24 December 2015




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