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My Dance Portfolio

My influences on Dance Learning Plan 

I truly believe experiential learning and dance is an excellent example of it. According to John Dewey, he mentioned that the test of comprehension was action (Beetlestone, 1998).  He emphasized the basis of kinaesthetic comprehension underlies in the importance of acting and performing on knowledge. To my knowledge, I have read and understood about the importance of  Kinaesthetic learning through the words of  Jean Piaget,  Howard and other cognitive theorists (Matthews, 1999). For my learning plan, I placed experience as an important component to the activity. I did not want to create a chorographical activity or something across the board. I felt I should give much importance to self-capacity for the children to build up on their creative side and feel more comfortable at their own level which is higly recoomended by the NEL Framework (MOE, 2015).My student may or may not continue to enjoy this aspect of creative expression in future but along with what I understand from the Reggio Emilia Method, there is emphasize on accepting improbability as a consistent part of education and creativity. I agree with the principles of the Reggio Emilia Approach of being sensitive to the needs of individual interests of children (Isbell & Raines, 2013).

My dance learning plan is child directed in the sense that i did not want to create a limitation to how the children will be dancing. I did set the bar, in ways such as,  choosing of the song, the materials and the setting. But as you can see in the videos above, when working with scarves, the movements are indeed child directed and individualized. When i carried out this activity with my students, i was glad to see that the only rules that they followed was the colour rules for the animals . They were creative in terms of the dance movement. i felt this activity plan met their individual needs.

To extend the children's experiencem i think we can get them engagned in different types of dances with smiliar materials. So for scarves, we can play music in our classroom and get them to dance freely and express themself. Plain music and classical songs have different forms of music in them,which gives the children the opportunities to create dance all themself. This is another favourite piece of music which i personally have use in my classroom for scarve dance. 

Unknown TrackUnknown Artist





Beetlestone, F 1998. Creative Children, Imaginative Teaching. Buckingham Open University Press


Isbell , R. & Raines, S. C., 2013. Creativity and the Arts with Young Children. 3rd ed. California: Cengage Learning .


Matthews, J 1999 The Art of Childhood and Adolescence- The Construction of Meaning. London: Falmer Press.


M.O.E. Singapore, 2013, Nurturing Early Learners: A Curriculum for Kindergartens in Singapore. Vol. 2, Aesthetics and Creative Expression. Designed by LOUD! Productions Pte Ltd. Republic of Singapore M.O.E. 2013.




Bird Scarf Dance - Summer Arts Camp 2010 - Settlement Music School Uploaded by Settlement Music School Published on Aug 5, 2010,  Accessed 24 December 2015


Karen Teaches The Kids To Dance With Scarves Published on Jan 6, 2011 Accessed 24 December 2015




2015, Lady- Ballet, retrieved 30 December 2015,



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